Sales Guarantee
Keskustan Kirppis offers a Sales Guarantee to sellers. If your sales don't cover the cost of the table rent, we'll pay the difference! You don't have to tell us to "activate" the Sales Guarantee - if the terms apply, you'll always be eligible for refund.
Tuottotakuu on voimassa kaikissa itsepalvelupöydissä ja minimyymälöissä aikaisintaan 23.5.2019 alkaneista varauksista alkaen. Tuottotakuun piiriin eivät kuulu vitriinipaikat. Tuottotakuun hyvitys lasketaan myyntiprovision perimisen jälkeisestä summasta, eli asiakkaan tuotosta. Takuu voidaan myöntää enintään neljän viikon aikaisesta pöytävuokrasta siltä ajalta, jolta myyntituotot eivät yllä kattamaan pöytävuokraa. Tuottotakuun hakeminen edellyttää minimissään yhden viikon pöytävuokraa.
The purpose of Sales Guarantee is to create security to sellers, so that no one ends up in the negative.
Example 1: If your table rent covers the 1. week's rent, but not the 2. week's rent, you will be refunded one week's rent.
Example 2: If your sales cover the costs of two weeks' rent on the first week, but on the second week your sales drop to zero, you won't be refunded because your sales have covered the table rents.
Easy, just do this:
Send us an email with a subject "Sales Guarantee", to and use the topic "Tuottotakuun hyvitys/Sales Guarantee". The staff will process the request and will give you their statement on whether you will be refunded or not. The refund can be done only on the seller's bank account - not by cash. Please provide your bank account number via email or Kirppari-Kalle -account ("Omat tiedot" --> "Tilinumero").
2. The seller fills in the price tags on Kirppari-Kalle account. The precondition is that the staff will be able to examine the sold products afterwards. If the price tags are filled by handwriting, the Sales Guarantee does not apply.
2. The seller sells products that are in shape and intact, If the staff finds that the seller purposely sells products that are in poor condition, the Sales Guarantee does not apply.
3. The seller keeps the table in good organization and not too full to maximize profits. If the staff finds that the seller purposely keeps the table unorganized or too full, so that the profits stay low, the Sales Guarantee does not apply.
4. The seller renews their table's supply in long-lasting renting periods. If the staff finds that the seller purposely keeps the same products on the table (that have not been sold in previous selling periods), the Sales Guarantee does not apply.
5. The seller puts up prices that are "flea market" -level. If the staff finds that the seller purposely puts up prices that are significantly lower or higher than usually on flea markets so that the profits stay low, the Sales Guarantee does not apply.
6. The seller keeps their products on the table for the whole selling period. If the staff finds that the seller does not bring their products on sale AND does not cancel the table rent within the required time, the Sales Guarantee does not apply. If the staff finds that the seller takes their products off the table before the last day of the selling period, the Sales Guarantee does not apply.
7. The seller's profit does not cover the table rent(s). If the seller has rented multiple tables or has consecutive selling periods in different tables: If all the profits are bigger than the costs of all the table rents, the Sales Guarantee does not apply. The rule of thumb is, that if the profits are bigger than table rents, you are well in the positive, so the Sales Guarantee does not apply./
8. The seller follows the rules and recommendations of the flea market, and does not cause harm or annoyance to other flea market sellers.
If all the conditions are fulfilled and still the seller's profits don't cover the costs of the table rent(s), Keskustan Kirppis will refund the table rent(s). All profits will always be transferred to the sellers account, so you will always end up in the positive!
Ehdot päivitetty 19.9.2024